Privacy Policy

Jordanpleasure comes with its own privacy policies. These are important to know for all who are willing to access our website. Hence, it is a must for all to go through, analyze, and accept before one orders anything from our store.


We Safeguard All Data

It is important for us to protect data of all our customers. This we do to sustain the image of our organization. So, we make sure to maintain to keep every detail of our customers confidential, whether it is his/her email, name or address.


We Process Data to Good Use

Jordanpleasure takes up data to process so that users find them easier to access and shop from our site. Most importantly, one would be able to make legible claims later, if any.

The details we need from the user are his/her name, email address, gender, order delivery address, postal address, contact number, fax number, payment and bank account details or debit/credit card details.


We Gather your Data to Keep you Secured

Jordanpleasure requires data for several reasons. It may be for looking after the website, recving payments from customers, customizing specific sections of the website, identifying all sorts of website malpractices, and sending relevant information on our services and products to the customers. So, one should always ensure to provide correct information at all cost.


We Do not Welcome Third Parties

There are circumstances where Jordanpleasure might ask for your updated order details. For this, one can simply log in to one’s account and access the data. However, these facts should never be discussed with a third party under any situation. If this happens, Jordanpleasure will not be answerable for any inconvenience caused as a result.

We are strict against any type of user details with third parties. Even if we do so, we make it a point to first take his consent and accordingly, we proceed. We have the most authentic and flexible payment modes so that our customers can shop without any complications.

Sometimes, the user data is taken into use for the purpose of market research. So, if you show interest to participate in events or competitions, you might then need to share a few personal details. It is also very important for you to know that one’s personal data might often be used to promote our offers and declare winners.

Jordanpleasure is equipped with both technical and security measures to stop unauthorized access to your data. All your personal data are collected by us on an authentic server. These servers are highly protected with firewalls. So, there are no risks while initiating payments electronically.

We own the copyright for this Privacy Policy to keep away any type of interference by third parties for business purposes. For law violation, we will take legal actions whenever and wherever applicable.

Jordanpleasure has the right to make major changes in this Privacy Policy. It might include or exclude clauses anytime, and therefore not responsible for letting users know about this.

For any suggestions or queries, one can mail us at